Wednesday 4 May 2011

Prince William and Kate Middleton got hitched

In the holidays I didn’t do much but watch the royal wedding. On Friday 29th of April Prince William and Kate Middleton got married at Westminster Abbey. There was a big group of guest in the church approx. 1600 guest when Kate Middleton arrived at Westminster Abbey the crowd began to roar. Kate’s dress was described as the stunning modern dress. 3 young bridesmaids and 2 groomsmens were at the ceremony. When the wedding reception was finished the couple got in the carriage that William's parents rode on to Buckingham Palace. The crowd ran to Buckingham Palace to see the couple at the balcony. About 1 billion people watched the royal couple get married.



  1. Me and my mum sat up all night and watched it too, weren't the little girls cute. Was the dress what you expected?


  2. Me my sister and grandad watched it.It was such a great wedding.Did you like it?


  3. What time did you go to bed? And what time did it finish?

